Butt plug is a wonderful little sex toy that helps men try a little anal pleasure, and girls overcome their embarrassment and get a step closer to the joys of anal sex. Aesthetically – this is a very beautiful device for any ass, both male and female. Did you know that a butt plug works relationships out, so you better secure yourself one! Every erotic story has butt plugs in it.
Why buy butt plug?
Corks are for beginners, to prepare for anal sex, to relax the anus, to walk with her every day, for role-playing sex games or to decorate your ass.
How to choose butt plug? Which one is better?
We have collected feedback from fans of sex and walking with butt plug in various forums. Examine the pros and cons and decide – what kind of butt plug to buy in a sex shop.
Butt plug inflatable
Buyers of sex toys leave admiring reviews on the traffic jam on the Internet. It is possible to adjust the diameter and size with the help of inflation, gradually moving to a different level of fullness of the anus.The ability to adjust the size removes fear and tension, making the introduction process soft and comfortable for any level of preparedness.
Butt plug with vibration
This anal toy is equipped with a remote control with several modes of vibration. It is designed for intensive stimulation of the anus and vaginal entrance.

What form of anal plug chooses?
Butt plugs are round, conical and with curly projections.Judging by the reviews on the forums, you can choose the best cone-shaped anal plugs. They can be injected slowly and neatly, the narrow tip gently spreads the sphincter’s taut muscles without stretching or damaging it. You can also choose metal and steel butt plugs according to your preferences. The figured protrusions on the anal plug allow the man to receive a prostate massage, and the woman – to provide pressure on point G from the anus.
What materials are anal plugs from?
Materials for butt plug differ in density, elasticity, strength and thermal conductivity. Therefore, give a different feeling.
Metal butt plug
Corks made of metal create a pleasant heaviness in the ass.If you walk with it for a long time, the grease dries out, but it gets very easy.Corks made of gold, or with rhinestones – look very beautiful, additionally causing erotic fantasies among observers.Of the minuses – the metal detector reacts to them) at the airport, during the scanning on the inspection, it will also be detected. They will not force you to get it, but you are provided with curious views and additional inspection.Metal plug includes an orgasm reflex. Especially if it is heated with hot water – the temperature is transmitted to the walls of the anus; it is poured with blood, creating additional excitement.
Pluses silicone cork – a soft introduction to the ass.
It is important to take not cheap, but high-quality sex toy. Inexpensive plastic plugs absorb all odors, wash poorly, and quickly collapse. When wearing a butt plug from a Chinese manufacturer, in a couple of months you will not be able to pick it up because of the look and smell.
Butt plug from glass
Glass butt plugs are somewhat similar in sensation to iron ones: they are dense, the effect of the presence of a foreign object in the ass remains.Of the benefits – the glass tube slides very well, especially with lubricant. It can be easily inserted and output, simulating frictions and shallow penetration.It is easy to care for the glass stopper: it is not afraid of chemical solutions and temperature. Does not absorb odors, does not change color.Of the minuses –it can be broken by hitting hard surfaces.
Butt Plug – Dimensions
Butt plug being a dildo is a wild belief. It is not intended for frictions. It is necessary to stretch the anus and go through the first stage to obtain anal pleasure, and then – anal orgasm.For beginners, it is necessary without haste to introduce the smallest, on a very thin leg.As soon as it ceases to bring discomfort and will excite – gradually move to more overall dimensions. Only without haste, otherwise, instead of an anal buzz, there will be injuries, sprains and tears!In the sex shop you can buy sets of anal plugs of different sizes for the phased development of the technique of anal orgasm.When the anus is ready – you can get extreme pleasure from using a big butt plug.
So, how to choose the anal plug?
Choosing this toy in the store for adults, you need to be guided by their fantasies and common sense.Anal plug, or plug, you need to choose depending on the level of advancement and the presence of anal experience, the physiological capabilities of the anus and the purpose of use.Be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer – take the toys from proven manufacturers with certificates and good reviews.
Anal plug prices
Their range is huge, choosing not to focus on a low price. For anal the main thing is gradualness, safety and quality.
What is anal plug for and how to use it?
It is an indispensable accessory for those who like anal stimulation, or those who only want to try this form of intimacy. Plag helps to feel and relax the muscles of the sphincter, increasing its diameter. In this way, you can prepare for penetration through the “back door” and learn to enjoy the new type of sensations.Both man and woman can use the stopper. However, to stimulate the prostate is better to use toys specifically designed for this.
If you place the sleeve in the anus and engage in vaginal sex, the accessory narrows the diameter of the vagina and creates a double penetration effect that both partners like. In this position, the device allows you to stimulate erogenous zones on the back wall of the vagina, which remain unused for the rest of the time. Play with the plug is possible not only during sex, but also for self-satisfaction.

How to insert the anal plug?
Before interacting with the cork, treat it with an antibacterial agent. Be sure to use lubricant! If your toy is made of silicone, only water-based lubricants will do. You can use any lubricant with glass and metal accessories, but we especially recommend silicone or oil based products they slip better and dry more slowly.
If you use cork for the first time, we advise you to introduce it yourself during masturbation, and not to ask your partner about this during sex. This way you can control the speed and depth of the injection based on your own feelings. Before inserting a cork, stimulate other erogenous zones: the first experiments with the booty will bring more pleasant emotions when you are in an excited state.
First butt plug: what to choose a newbie?
This may seem obvious, but as the first toy you need to choose a plug with the smallest diameter, usually 2-3 cm (Small size).Stretch the sphincter muscles need to gradually. An overly large sleeve will give the beginner an unpleasant feeling, while a small one will gently stimulate the nerve endings and give pleasure rather than disappointment. It is best to choose toys from soft materials, for example, from silicone, and leave experiments with hard materials for the future.
We also recommend starting with the simplest accessories with a smooth surface. Diversify stimulation with traffic jams with an unusual design and effects will be possible when you cope with the classic plug.Introduce such an item into the anus will be easier and more pleasant than a static one. Vibration stimulates nerve endings and causes pleasant sensations, respectively, the sphincter relaxes, and the toy enters easily and painlessly.
If you want to know more butt plugs, there are butt plugs museums you can visit.
Types of anal plugs
When you see hundreds of varieties of traffic jam in the sex shop collection, the priest begins to twitch nervously. What to choose? We decompose on the shelves. All sleeves can be divided into several main groups:
According to the material the best anal devices are made of silicone, metal or glass. Silicone is soft and silky to the touch, the metal is easy to clean and maintains the temperature the plug of this material is suitable for those who like to play hot and cold), the glass is also cleaned quite simply and looks very aesthetically. Choose the material of the product will help our guide.
By effects it can be a classic cork without a “filling” or a modern device that vibrates, pulsates or stimulates erogenous zones with small balls.
By design, the plugs are purely utilitarian or with decor, for example, in the form of rhinestones or animal tail. You can then both mimic, re-imagine and let loose your fetish with animals. You don’t worry in getting yourself, your favorite animal butt plugs cause loveplugs got you covered.